Monday, November 1, 2010

Glimmerglass (Faeriewalker, #1)Glimmerglass by Jenna Black

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Glimmerglass is based on the present day but in an alternate universe where Avalon exists and is pretty much it's own state within England. Kind of like the Vatican within Italy.

The story centers around Dana Hathaway, a not so typical independent teenager who is sick of dealing with an alcoholic for a mother and runs away to her father in Avalon. Nothing could be worse that putting up with the endless humiliation of an alcoholic mother, right?

What follows is a story filled with fae political intrigue, kidnapping, battles with unseelie monsters, betrayal and romance, as Dana finds out she is a Fairiewalker, special type of halfbreed human/fae that can see the Glimmerglass and travel between worlds. Not only that but Dana can also transport human technology into Fairie and bring magic into the human world, which turns her into the most prized ally or most feared enemy, depending on who ends up controlling her first. With her freedom/life threatened, who can Dana really trust?

To be honest, I really struggled through the first 134 pages this book. The whole "Dana wakes up, Dana gets attacked, Dana doesn't know who to trust, Dana goes to sleep" vicious cycle got old pretty fast, so by the time I got to page 135 I was hoping for something new or I was giving up on this book. Ethan, a cute fae boy and his sister Kimber are what kept me going till page 135. Ethan has the typical "Gods Gift to Women" ego that makes either you want to snuggle up to him when he oozes charm or kick him in the jewels and dump a cup of coffee in his face. I suggest you keep reading to find out which one Dana ends up doing. Kimber on the other hand, is smart and sick of standing in her big brother's shadow. Getting to see Kimber beyond her ice princess charm and reading about her homemade cure-all possets (would love to get the recipe), was a pleasant experience.

From page 135 things get interesting as you are finally introduced to Dana's father, Finn - her super hot Knight bodyguard & Keane - an fae Emo-wannabe who has some awesome combat moves but a bad boy attitude. The exchanges between Dana & Keane are especially entertaining...

I don't want to spoil it too much for you, so I'll just say if you end up despairing between pages 1-135, just keep going as it does get better. Eagerly anticipating the next installment on the Fairiewalker series called Shadowspell.

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