Thursday, October 21, 2010

The DressmakerThe Dressmaker by Posie Graeme-Evans

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ok, I debated for a while whether or not to get this book... When I read the back of the book it reminded me of stories I had read before that had started with so much promise but in the end disappointed me with a badly put together/completely dissatisfying conclusions. So I ummed and ahhhed for awhile before I finally gave in...

First of all, I want to say if the summary blurb at the back of the book mentioning teen pregnancy makes you feel uncomfortable or puts you off reading this book, please reconsider. Especially if you like historical fiction and heroines that come into their own after many soul weary trials and heartaches.

The Dressmaker follows the life of Ellen Gowan, a woman that deals with so much bad fortune, tragedy & betrayal from such a young age in this book that you can't help but cheer her on when Ellen finds the strength to pick herself up, brush herself off and follow her dreams. There are many times in this book where the trials that Ellen goes through are sufficiently heartbreaking that my heart goes out to her, especially when she occasionally begins to see a silver lining, only for it to disappear again.

Among the cast of characters in this book there is Polly, a maid from her original family home whose destiny seems entwined with Ellen's and who eventually becomes her pillar of strength in hard times. Oriana, her beloved cousin and sister, if not in blood at least in heart, who faces her own personal trials and must find the courage overcome her fears. Raoul de Valentin, a charming rogue with his best interests at heart. And yummy handsome Connor Moncrieff, an unrequited first love from Ellen's youth who is without a doubt the absolute prefect gentleman. Seriously, this guy is what girls dream about.

Connor aside, the other bonus to the book was reading the beautiful creations created by Ellen Gowan as she strives to become successful modiste & mantua maker. You almost feel like you know what it would be like to wear a gown made by Madame Gowan.

If this was a movie at the cinema I would pay to see it. If it was a TV movie, I would happily sit down and watch it. If it was a Dvd I would buy it straight out. It was a very addictive read. It's rare to find a book that hooks you at the beginning and keeps you snared all the way through to the end.

Oh and yes, the ending certainly did not disappoint me, at all.

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